SPOTLIGHT: Church facility in Manila teaches homeless to bake, break bread

She picked a piece of bread, which somebody had just thrown, and brought it to her children.

She broke the bread and gave it to them, and said, “I won’t let this happen again.”

Early this year, Yolanda Gutierrez and her three children were forced to live in the streets of Manila after her husband abandoned them.

The incident led to a series of unfortunate events that made them homeless and penniless. Their situation had been aggravated by the impacts of the pandemic.

In March, Gutierrez visited the Arnold Janssen Kalinga Center, a facility run by the Society of the Divine Word congregation for the homeless in Manila’s Tayuman district.

It was not Gutierrez’s first encounter with the center. In 2016, she volunteered as a cook for the church-run facility that offers free meals and free baths to street dwellers.

She said she needed to make sure that her family has something to eat every day, and by offering her services to the center for free, she could secure food for her children.

Full story published at:–break-bread/index.html

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