It is early morning in Sagar in central India’s Madhya Pradesh state. Birds are singing in the background as farmers sit with two Catholic nuns, not to talk about faith, but about seeds.
They discuss what types of seeds can be planted in what time of the year, what kind of fertilizers needed, and what is the expected yield.
The two nuns — Sister Pushpa and Sister Stella Maria from Diocese of Sagar — are ready with their buckets of seeds for distribution.
The meeting takes place inside a tent under a tree near a farmer’s club in the village. The farmers, and the nuns, sit on the ground. In the middle are the seeds.
It’s a different scene from two years ago when the rain started not to come on time and the farmers noticed a change in the weather pattern.
The late arrival of the monsoon rains wreaked havoc on their farmlands. The people were debt-ridden and found it hard to make both ends meet.