Indonesian Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo of Jakarta told a gathering of former theology students last week to focus their initiatives on “down-to-earth” problems that the Catholic Church has been trying to address.
The cardinal, who is president of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference, spoke before former students of the Faculty of “Wedabhakti” Theology at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta.
“If your alumni association … wants to contribute to Indonesian society, then your programs should be implemented with expectations that outputs are for the common good, not only for Catholics,” said the Church leader.
He said the alumni association’s plan to mark the anniversary of Vatican II is “a good and divine idea” that should be implemented by addressing issues that affect society.
The cardinal said that instead of talking about Vatican II issues, “I personally endorse you to only focus with Pope Francis’ recent teachings about human dignity, climate change, (and) evangelical joy.”
He said these topics “have massively influenced our modern society.”
Cardinal Suharyo also stressed the importance of “promoting human dignity” and maintaining the “communal sense of nationhood” in society, especially among Catholics.
He said the Archdiocese of Jakarta will be implementing its five-year “pastoral roadmap” that will focus on the respect of human dignity.
“We want once again to magnify the spirit of promoting human dignity,” he said.