Several things happening today are signs that people need security, happiness and peace aside from the pandemic situation. There are those who resort to destructive activities like stealing, land grabbing, killings and many more. There is a growing violence as many do not recognize their own worth.
Formation in the family is not happening in a way that children are guided and taught. The children and youth find themselves lost and resort to things that they think would give them a sense of fulfillment. They are more influenced by the social media than the guidance of their parents and elders.
We are called to do our part of contributing to the formation of our society and the Church as parents, teachers, public servants and youth together with priests, religious sisters and brothers fulfilling the Mission of Christ.
In this trying time we are in, we must be with our own families. Organizing workshops for parents will be beneficial for them to understand the changes taking place; and thus, enable them to handle situations with confidence.
All of us want to be good and we have to work together to make peace happen. It is an individual, community and family effort that peace, security and happiness abound in the heart of persons, in families and in the society. In place of violence and disrespect of others and in families, we promote respect because it is here that true peace flourishes.
In his encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti”, that aims to promote a universal aspiration toward fraternity and social friendship, Pope Francis tells us that the time has truly come to “dream as a single human family” in which we are “all brothers and sisters”.
Jesus was praying for peace and unity as I quote the following Bible Texts:
“May they all be one, as you Father are in me and I am in you. May they one in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Jn 17:21
“Peace be with you! I give you my peace; not as the world gives peace do I give it to you.” Jn 14: 27
In this New Year 2021, my prayer and hope for all of us is that we may receive the peace Jesus wants to give us and the unity that comes from our relationship with the Father and Jesus through the Holy Spirit as “holy and formed laity sent for service”.
Cardinal Sir John Ribat MSC is the archbishop of Port Moresby. This article is from Church Alive a publication of the Catholic Bishops Conference Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands.