Early during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, a group of villagers sought refuge in the Mary Mother and Protectress Church some 300 km north from Dhaka.
The villagers — Christians, Muslims and Hindus — began to pray to Mother Mary as Pakistani troops surrounded the church.
Villagers say the soldiers were about to fire upon the church but they instead left without firing a shot.
Since then, Christians from the village have observed this day as one of pilgrimage for the protectress Mother Mary.
Now thousands join the day in honor of Mother Mary at the church which is under the Rajshahi Diocese.
See images below taken by LiCAS.news of the event on Jan. 16.
It is unknown how many Bangladeshis died during what was very brutal war, but independent researchers believe that between 300,000 and 500,000 were killed while the Bangladesh government puts the figure at three million.
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